10 Sustainable Business Practices That You Can Start Today

It is easy to drag your feet when you first consider making your business more sustainable. You may be thinking it is too hard a task or you may be unsure where to begin. Well, as it is with everything else in life, you can start small. Each little step counts, and once you get your feet wet, you may get addicted to it. It feels really good to watch all that money being saved and all those little loose ends getting fixed. Sustainable business practices play on the very assets you as a business person already possess- problem solving and adaptability.

How To Make Your Business Sustainable Right Now

1. Replace lighting with new sustainable lighting. There are several options available now and they get cheaper and more convenient every day. These lights last longer, which lessens cost and produces less waste, and they use far less electricity.
2. Heat and cool more efficiently. Turn the thermostat down one degree in winter and up one degree in summer. Occupants should suffer no decrease in comfort, but your energy bill and energy usage will show positive changes right there in black and white. For even more savings,, lower or raise the thermostat when the building is not occupied. If no one will be in the building, there is no need to heat or cool it to the same extent as you would to provide human comfort.
3. Reduce paper consumption. Use email, your website, and other online means to convey messages and use less paper. When you print, select double-side printing and use half of the paper.
4. Turn things off. Computers and equipment can be turned off at night and any time that they are not in use. Discover if you use equipment that continues to drain electricity when it appears to be turned off, such as televisions and some machinery, and pull the plug on these items when not in use. Engage managers and employers to look for lights and heating and cooling systems in unused rooms that could be turned off.
5. Buy local. If you can buy supplies from a local source or one much closer to you, you will be lessening your carbon footprint and paying less for transport.
6. Encourage less driving. Set up a carpooling program for employees, and conduct more meetings over the phone or in virtual environments.
7. A little maintenance can make a huge difference. Replace filters regularly so that systems work more efficiently. You could also clean windows to allow more light in (which reduces the need for artificial lighting).
8. Rethink your packaging. You can purchase more environmentally-friendly packaging options, but you may be able to save on packaging materials and cost by simply packaging smarter. Just using the right sized boxes can reduce the need for fillers.
9. Buy less. Buy reusable mugs and cups for employees or encourage them to bring their own, instead of constantly stocking paper cups.
10. Serve smarter. Ask customers if they would like something before handing it out, such as ketchup packets, spoons, plasticware, brochures, and receipts.
Everything on this list requires little to no financial investment, but each one will save you money. The money you save today from these baby steps can be put to use for a larger sustainable investment. You can then save more money and make more investments, until even those sustainable business practices that at first seemed impossible are within reach.

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