
Energy and sustainability programs for schools.

Schools across the country are facing hefty utility bills but often aren’t sure how to make changes to decrease those costs. Using data and low-cost and no-cost energy efficiency programs, we’ve been able to generate millions of dollars in cost savings for schools.

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How can JadeTrack help schools
and higher education?

We partner with K-12 schools and universities that want to implement preventative maintenance and real-time monitoring to drive effective sustainability initiatives.

Create student engagement

Energy efficiency creates an educational opportunity. Use real-world examples to drive experiential learning in the classroom. Students can use JadeTrack’s data as part of math, science, language arts, and engineering coursework.

Continuously measure and verify

You don’t always need expensive capital improvement projects to combat outdated buildings. We can help you identify no-cost and low-cost energy efficiency opportunities.

Redirect capital dollars

Maintain building comfort while saving to spend on more critical future investments in education.

Proactively identify issues

Real-time monitoring helps identify problems early before they waste a bunch of energy, cause equipment failure, or present safety hazards.

"We absolutely love the charts. The image itself is worth a million words. We were sold on the idea as soon as we saw that."

Ready to see JadeTrack in action?

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